Water and Wastewater Services>
The Township of Hornepayne and Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) are responsible for water and sewer services in the community.
Paying your water and sewer bill
We bill property owners for local water and sewer services on a quarterly basis. Learn how to pay your utility bill with the Township.
View our Water and Sewer Rates By-law for more information on rates, fees and charges associated with water and sewer services in the Township.
Our Water and Wastewater Rate Study provides an analysis of current capital and operating forecasts, lifecycle cost requirements and customer profiles. It provides updated flat rates to customers and provides fiscally responsible practices that are in line with current provincial legislation at a level of rate increases that are reasonable.
Our utility bill due dates include:
- First quarter: Last day in March
- Second quarter: Last day in June
- Third quarter: Last day in September
- Fourth quarter: Last day in December
If you are late to pay your bill or default on payment, we apply a 1.25 per cent interest rate against your outstanding amount due and owing for the quarter, or any prior quarters that payment has not been made.
If your account remains unpaid for 90 days, we notify you (or the property owner) and/or your tenant(s), by mail, that your municipal water supply may be discontinued. A $25 flat rate is applied to your account for the cost of sending the notice through the mail.
If we incur additional fees and charges through the billing collection process, we apply those charges to your outstanding balance due and owing.
Discontinued water service due to non-payment
If your water service has been discontinued due to non-payment, the service will not be reinstated until the account, including the disconnection and reconnection fees ($100 each), are paid in full.
If you own a property and you provide daily rental services of units and/or rooms, you are required to remit payment, per unit, at the daily residential water and sewer rate prescribed in our by-law. This amount is in addition to the base annual rate already invoiced to you, as the homeowner, for the provision of basic services.
Detecting a water leak or break
Depending on where a water leak or break occurs, it may be either the Township's responsibility to fix, or the property owner's responsibility.
The Township is responsible for:
- All main water lines
- Copper service line running from the main line to the curb stop valve
- Curb stop and brass fitting on either side of the curb stop valve
The property owner is responsible for:
- Copper service line running from the curb stop valve to the residence
- All interior water lines
If you suspect a water main leak or break on Township-owned water lines, please contact us immediately at 807-868-2020 x0. If it is after business hours, please contact our water and wastewater treatment plant personnel for emergencies at 807-868-2380 (business line) or 807-228-3580 (cell).
If you suspect a water leak in your home or on your property, you will have to make your own arrangement for repair as Township and OCWA staff do not perform work on private property.
Water disconnection and reconnection
If you are a homeowner and need the water service to your property disconnected due to an emergency or maintenance repair, please come to Town Hall, located at 68 Front St. to complete the required form or call us at 807-868-2020 x0 to receive further instruction.
Disconnection and reconnection fees are $30 each.
If we discover that your curb stop is not functioning properly and we cannot disconnect or reconnect water service, we will notify you by mail. We will arrange for repair or replacement as soon as possible in a cost-effective manner.
Water quality
Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) provides safe, secure and efficient water quality operation and maintenance services as a trusted partner to the Township of Hornepayne.
Learn more about how OCWA provides residents and visitors with clean, healthy drinking water, delivering services such as:
- Water treatment
- Water distribution
- Process optimization
- Energy management
Contact OCWA for any general inquiries on water quality and to view regional office locations.
Sewer services
The Township is responsible for all portions of the main sanitary sewer line. The property owner is responsible for anywhere other than the main sanitary sewer.
Any blockage or break of a sewer line from the homeowner's property to the sewer main is the responsibility of the homeowner, unless it is proven that the blockage resulted from a problem with the Township's sewer line. In this case, it is the Township's responsibility to repair.
If you suspect a sewer break, please contact us immediately at 807-868-2020 x0. If it is after business hours, please contact our water and wastewater treatment plant personnel for emergencies at 807-868-2380 (business line) or 807-228-3580 (cell).
OCWA staff will investigate the break through visual inspection and testing, if applicable. If the sewer main does not appear to be damaged, you will need to make your own arrangements to repair the issue as staff do not perform work on private property.
Storm sewers and plugged culverts
Culverts and ditches help direct stormwater and spring water run-off away from roads and properties into catch basins. Sometimes these outlets may get plugged with debris, such as dirt or leaves. Staff regularly check and clean outlets.
If you discover a plugged culvert, ditch or catch basin, please contact us using our online form or by phone at 807-868-2212 or 807-229-6999 (after hours).
Hydrant flushing
Our water distribution system is flushed each spring as part of our maintenance schedule. During this time, you may notice low or no water pressure. If your water is discoloured, continue running your water until it runs clear.
View our Water and Sewer Line Repair Policy for more information.
Service Line Warranties of Canada
Residents have the option to purchase insurance for their water and sewer lines through Service Line Warranties of Canada (SLWC).
SLWC provides water and sewer line repair coverage, in-home plumbing repair services, and energy line and system repairs within the residence to Canadian homeowners across the nation.
Please note this is a third-party service. The Township of Hornepayne is not liable or responsible for any part of the agreement between SLWC and the property owner.
Water and Wastewater Reports
The Water and Wastewater Reports can be found on the Water and Wastewater Reports Page.
Contact us
You can find the community's Water Treatment Plant at 100 Herbert Ave. and Wastewater Treatment Plant at 37 Honka Dr.
Contact OCWA staff at 807-868-2380. The on-call phone line (for emergencies only, after town hall hours) is 807-228-3580.
You can also submit an online form for any questions, comments or concerns.
Township of Hornepayne
68 Front Street
P.O. Box 370
Hornepayne, ON P0M 1Z0
Ph: (807) 868-2020
Fax: (807) 868-2787